The United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom are our current regions of shipment.
No matter what, we’ll send your order to the US at no cost to you.
Shipping to the UK is free and Canada is available for a fee when you purchase some of our most popular leather bags. We provide a paid delivery service to Canada plus the UK for our client favourite accessories. Unfortunately, additional leather bags and items cannot be sent to Canada or the UK at this time.
We suggest checking the shipping information on the product page to see where an item may be sent.
You can see the average delivery times for each product on its homepage. In the absence of specific page-by-page processing and delivery timeframes, please use the following estimates:
The majority of orders are handled and sent out within one to three business days after receiving them. Usually, things typically take 2-7 business days to arrive in the US, Canada, and the UK, however there are cases when it could take longer. It may take 1–5 days for tracking numbers to be updated.
All of our products are stored in various fulfilment centres. For expedited shipping, your item may sometimes be sent from a location overseas. We may mail orders with numerous goods separately. Things could happen in a certain order. The rest of your order is on its way, so there’s no need to freak out if you don’t get everything right away.
Notably, we are not liable for any expenses associated with foreign customs or taxes levied upon arrival in your country.
We regret to inform you that in order to cancel or amend your order, it must not have been completed yet. Whenever possible, we try to process orders the same day they come into our system. Unfortunately, after your purchase has been finalised, we are unable to make any more adjustments. But if you change your mind after an item has been delivered and would wish to request a return, just let us know.